2020 第九届“中信戴卡杯”国际车轮设计大赛征集公告
来源: | 作者:chinacaw | 发布时间: 2020-01-03 | 15909 次浏览 | 分享到:
Competitors need to fill in the registration form and submit the following file:

The proposal show: not less than 2 sheets, horizontal design, A3 large (420*297mm), CMYK, JPEG format and resolution ratio greater than 300dpi. No restrictions on typesetting;
Following contents must include: axonometric drawing, front view rendering, on-car assembly rendering, design plan, concept sketch, explosion detail drawing, and the text description and so on; 
Design work and wheels 3D digital model file (for finalists only): 3D digital file in igs/stp format; color design definition file;  
Digital version of an effective ID and recent personal photo (JPG format, resolution ratio greater than 300dpi);